
Hello! I’m Mariana Arslan, a videographer, motion designer and photographer working as a part of an amazing creative Studio in Porto.I provide all the needs of a video production from concept to final editing. I help business, institutions and artists bring their ideas to screen. My philosophy as a director is bringing technical creativity into play to lower the production cost to make original and professional videos.

Awards & Recognitions
Documentário ‘Somos Livros’ (2013)

- Festival de Avanca

- Festival AoNorte (XIV Encontros de Cinema de Viana do Castelo)


- Festival du Documentaire International Étudiant (France)

- Festival Internacional de Cinema Documental e Transmedia, RIOS (Menção Honrosa)

- Convidada para apresentação do filme ‘Somos Livros’ no ciclo “Cinema: dos livros no cinema” no auditório da Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garret, no âmbito da Feira do Livro (2014). 

Organização: António Costa (Teatro do Campo Alegre e MedeiaFilmes) e David Pinho Barros
- Film
- Cinema
- Documentary
- Motion Design
- Script
- ArtDirection
- Edition
- Effects
- Cinematography 
- Color Correction
- FinalCut
- AdobePremiere
- AfterEffects
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- InDesign
- Audition
- DaVinci
- Sound and Image graduation, ESAD.CR- Master in Cinema and Television for directors, ESAP

- Color Correction Davinci with Nuno Garcia - RESTART- Actor direction for Cinema - Festival Soria (Spain)